Ruby’s dynamism is awe-inspiring. One of the methods that contribute to this is method_missing. method_missing is defined in BasicObject. method_missing allows us to: * handle errors * delegate met...
I was looking at some answers on StackOverflow for the difference between Ruby’s self.method_name and class << self. I wasn’t satisfied with the answers. While all the answers did very well at e...
The Virus I had read a lot about plagues and pandemics years back wondering how and why these viruses spring up, wreak havoc and then just vanish into thin air! I realised these outbreaks were period...
Wait, what?!”. “Aaah! I get it!”. “WTF?!?”. “I don’t get this. -Me These were my thoughts when I was reading Elixir’s Getting Started Guide some years back. Seeing the last chapter of those guides ha...
If you’re like me, your aliases have no spaces in them. They are all single-worded like these: alias gs="git status" alias gd="git diff " A few days ago I started learning Elixir...
For some of us who didn’t start programming with a low high-level language (like C), the idea of “pointers” is alien. It took me a while to fully grasp what “pointers” were when I started learning Go....